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PBL Overview and Assessment

Project- Based Learning Overview and Assessment

Project Based Learning and How It Helps Students Engage in Learning

When testing  my project, I have recieved a great amount of advise on how to perfect the project. One of the  pieces of advise that I appreciate the most is the fact that I could incorporate multiple subjects within the project. At first, I wanted to focus on science, and maybe include mathematics.Afrer reviewing feedback, I realized that I could incorporate mathematics and laguage arts into the project. It will help the students perfect their skills in other areas while working on one subject. 

When selecting the assessments, I wanted to be sure that the assessments would correlate to what they are learning. I wanted to ensure that the assessment were not too much for the students to handle. The knowledge that they would learn. I wanted to ensure that they understood by practicing the skills before the project. This is done during the lesson and after the lesson when they are able to practice on their own.

The one portion of the project that I am excited about the students being able to present their discovery to the local cabbage farmers. Students love to share new things , but sharing what they learned to the farmers would be very rewarding for the students. They may get nervous, but they will feel happy to help.

These are the drafts of my project. Please feel free to send me your ideas on what could be done better.

Project Overview

Name of Project: The Growing Cabbage

Duration: 1 semester

Subject/Course: Science

Mrs. Fournoy
Grade/Age/Competency Level: 3rd

Other subject areas to be included, if any (cross-curricular):Reading and Math

Key Knowledge and Understanding
(CCSS, state, professional, or other standards)         
Earth is made of materials (including rocks, minerals, soil, and water) that have distinct properties. These materials provide resources for human activities. Performance Indicators: Students who demonstrate this understanding can: 3.E.4A.1 Analyze and interpret data from observations and measurements to describe and compare different Earth materials (including rocks, minerals, and soil) and classify each type of material based on its distinct physical properties.
21st Century Skills/Success Skills
(to be taught and assessed)
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving:


Project Summary
(include student role, issue, problem or challenge, action taken, and purpose/ beneficiary)
  The students will be determining which soil is best to use to grow cabbage. The students will be determining which soil is best to use by analyzing what is found in the soil, the growth of the cabbage, and any observations that the students make during the process. Their final results and data will be presented to local cabbage farmers in the area to help their farming progress.
Driving Question
 What in the soil can help cabbage grow?
What can we do to help cabbage farmers grow more cabbage?
Entry Event
The students will be taken to a cabbage farm to review what farmers currently use to grow cabbage.
The students will be providing journal entries if their observations.

Specific content and competencies to be assessed:

Non-fictional writing.


Team:              Presentation of data and results of the project.                                      
Specific content and competencies to be assessed:

The use of data tables.

Presentation of the rocks, minerals, and soils that were observed.

The comparison of two or more different soils explaining why their soil is the best.

Making Products Public
(include how the products will be made public and who students will engage with during/at end of project)
The students will be presenting their final product to local cabbage farmers. They will be able to communicate with the farmers during the project.

Resources Needed
On-Site People, Facilities: Teachers
Equipment: Rulers, tape measures, scales, and computers
Materials: Notebooks, pencils, and  poster board
Community Resources: Local garden or school garden

Reflection Methods
(how individual, team, and/or whole class will reflect during/at end of project)
Journal/Learning Log: Weekly
Focus Group:

Whole-Class Discussion: At the end of the week
Fishbowl Discussion:




Driving Question:

Final Product(s)
Presentations, Performances, Products and/or Services
Learning Outcomes/Targets
knowledge, understanding & success skills
needed by students to successfully
complete products
Checkpoints/Formative Assessments
to check for learning and ensure
students are on track
Instructional Strategies for All Learners
provided by teacher, other staff, experts;
includes scaffolds, materials, lessons
aligned to learning outcomes
and formative assessments
Identifying the differences in soil
Exit Ticket on different soil (5 question)
PowerPoint and review questions on what could be found in soil and where the different soils can be found.
Identifying how to measure objects
Determining the perimeter of 10 objects
The students will receive a mini lesson on measuring with examples. The students will then work in small groups to measure different objects.

Determine what kind of soil is best to grow cabbage
Determining what is bad to have in soil to make cabbage grow (5 question
After some time working in the different soils, the students will use their observations to explain which soil is best to use in their opinion.

The Project Assessment Map Link:
