What’s The Issue with Testing?
The issue is small, but it makes a huge impact. Testing. Is it necessary or not? The education system consists of multiple standardized tests. These students will take these tests while in school, and sometimes outside of school.
There are tests to take for the state, and then there are test to get into a college or university.
There are tests to take for the state, and then there are test to get into a college or university.
ALL of these tests are to ensure that the student has achieved college readiness. But what does college readiness mean truly mean? Lopez (2013) stated that, “College readiness is not the belief that every student will go to college.
College readiness is the idea that every student deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares him or her for college if he or she chooses to attend”.
College readiness is the idea that every student deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares him or her for college if he or she chooses to attend”.
In the article Major Challenges Facing Public Schools in the United States, “National Center for Education Statistics research says that roughly 19 percent of public school students are not able to finish high school.
More than 70 percent are not qualified to enroll for a college degree.”
If the tests just show where the students are ranked, what is the purpose of having the student take the test? The test are not used to enhance the learning journey. It is more for enhancing the stress of students, and their teachers.
More than 70 percent are not qualified to enroll for a college degree.”
If the tests just show where the students are ranked, what is the purpose of having the student take the test? The test are not used to enhance the learning journey. It is more for enhancing the stress of students, and their teachers.
Who Does it Impact and Why?
As stated earlier, the students and the teachers gain stress from the tests. While the government gain statistics on the students knowledge. All for what?
The determination of how much of the funds the school will receive.
The determination of how much of the funds the school will receive.
Teachers are pushed and pushed to have the students perform their best.
This means providing more resources for them to use, This means taking taking more time from their instruction time to perform the test. Managing students can be one thing.
Being managed on the time and way to teach is another form of stress. A form not everyone can handle, but educators are forced to feel.
This means providing more resources for them to use, This means taking taking more time from their instruction time to perform the test. Managing students can be one thing.
Being managed on the time and way to teach is another form of stress. A form not everyone can handle, but educators are forced to feel.
Students are the one that feel it all. The feel how much the teacher is stressing the importance of the test. The feel that that the teacher wants them to do well. They are intimidated.
When a student’s brain is under negative stress, or distress, they can not perform to the best of their abilities.
Distress occurs when students are confronted with a problem they don’t want to solve and have little to no control over the circumstances (Jensen,2008).
This would not only case them stress, but the students will not receive any feedback from the test. These tests do nothing for their achievement, but waste time for the students to achieve.
When a student’s brain is under negative stress, or distress, they can not perform to the best of their abilities.
Distress occurs when students are confronted with a problem they don’t want to solve and have little to no control over the circumstances (Jensen,2008).
This would not only case them stress, but the students will not receive any feedback from the test. These tests do nothing for their achievement, but waste time for the students to achieve.
The History of Testing
Standardized testing has had a history, and from the beginning it has had its problems. “For example, Smith and Rottenberg (1991) report that mandated testing at the elementary school level resulted in (a) reduced time for instruction,
(b) the neglect of non-tested curriculum content, and (c) increased use of test-like preparation materials” (Lomax, 1995).
(b) the neglect of non-tested curriculum content, and (c) increased use of test-like preparation materials” (Lomax, 1995).
Preparing for a test takes time. It would be beneficial to receive as much time to be prepared for the test. Unfortunately, within 180 days, about 10 days are just for days. The amount of days are decreased when breaks are included.
With many factors included, it seems like all we have time for is to take the test. This issue still exists with testing today.
With many factors included, it seems like all we have time for is to take the test. This issue still exists with testing today.
Neglecting non-subject content and the increase in preparation materials of the test still create an issue as well. We focus on the main subject and neglect subjects that are just as important.
Currently, English language arts (ELA) and mathematics are the two main areas that third graders get tested on in South Carolina.
This means that these two subjects gets about two hours of instructional time, while the other subjects get less of an hour of instructional time.
Now,understanding that these same students will be tested on ELA, math,and science next year, I would think that it would be best that the students get a more equal amount of time for the subjects correct?
Currently, English language arts (ELA) and mathematics are the two main areas that third graders get tested on in South Carolina.
This means that these two subjects gets about two hours of instructional time, while the other subjects get less of an hour of instructional time.
Now,understanding that these same students will be tested on ELA, math,and science next year, I would think that it would be best that the students get a more equal amount of time for the subjects correct?
It is great that you know about reading and math, but do you know the other subjects?
The Perspective of Testing
There are those that believe that testing our students is beneficial. It does more good than harm.
“It is only through assessment that we can find out whether instruction has had
its intended effect, because even the best-designed instruction cannot be guaranteed to be effective (see, e.g., Denvir & Brown, 1986a, 1986b)” (William, 2010).”
It is true that it measures the effectiveness of the instruction. The instruction of the whole year.
This does not include the tests that they take after each unit. Testing the students is also beneficial for the government. Unfortunately the amount of money given is based on the scores.
Williams explains that it should be based on the attendance of the students , the school’s physical appearance, and the performance of those who are present (2010).
If it was based on these factors, the act of testing would not be stressful.
This does not include the tests that they take after each unit. Testing the students is also beneficial for the government. Unfortunately the amount of money given is based on the scores.
Williams explains that it should be based on the attendance of the students , the school’s physical appearance, and the performance of those who are present (2010).
If it was based on these factors, the act of testing would not be stressful.
Luckily,this does not have to be a continuous issue. There are ways to solve this problem.
Solutions to Testing
There are ways that we can solve the issue of standardized testing. One possible solution is to create a better meaning for the testing.
It would not only benefit those who are taking the test, but the educators that prepare the students for the test.
It would not only benefit those who are taking the test, but the educators that prepare the students for the test.
PR Newswire explains that “ their use promotes a narrow curriculum and drill-like "teaching to the test," and that excessive testing undermines America's ability to produce innovators and critical thinkers”(2011).
My solution would be to enforce changing the material of the test to what is truly taught in the classroom.
It would be more beneficial for those who create the test have current educators involved in the test making.
It would be more beneficial for those who create the test have current educators involved in the test making.
It is more common for states to have a standardized test that is developed by companies.
This can be a problem because the test may reflect extremely higher expectations that are not yet developed in the schools.
This will ensure that the students are not tested on unrealistic content.
This can be a problem because the test may reflect extremely higher expectations that are not yet developed in the schools.
This will ensure that the students are not tested on unrealistic content.
If we continue on the rate that we are on now, the material will continue to become more difficult for the students.
This will cause students to make lower scores, and not prepared for the years of schooling ahead of them.
It will also ultimately,make financial issues appear for the schools who rely on title one funding.
This will cause students to make lower scores, and not prepared for the years of schooling ahead of them.
It will also ultimately,make financial issues appear for the schools who rely on title one funding.
Jensen, E., & Jensen, E. (2008). Brain-based learning: the new paradigm of teaching. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.
(2015, September 14). Major Challenges Facing Public Schools in the United States. Retrieved from http://www.publicschools.org/major-challenges-facing-public-schools-united-states/
Lopez, D. (2013). No Excuses University: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu
Lomax, R. G., West, M. M., Harmon, M. C., & Viator, K. A. (1995). The impact of mandated standardized testing on minority students. Journal of Negro Education, 64(2), 171–185. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.2307/2967240
Wiliam, D. (2010). Standardized testing and school accountability. Educational Psychologist, 45(2), 107–122. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1080/00461521003703060
PR Newswire. (2011, June 22). Standardized Testing Pros and Cons: Latest Research Analyzed on New ProCon.org Website. PR Newswire US. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bwh&AN=201106221415PR.NEWS.USPR.DC24690&site=eds-live&scope=site
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