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Showing posts from August, 2019

Compelling Issues: Testing, Solutions

Surviving the Test Solutions to Testing There are ways that we can solve the issue of standardized testing. One possible solution is to create a better meaning for the testing. It would not only benefit  those who are taking the test, but the educators that prepare the students for the test. PR Newswire explains that “ their use promotes a narrow curriculum and drill-like "teaching to the test," and that excessive testing undermines America's ability to produce innovators and critical thinkers”(2011). My solution would be to enforce changing the material of the test to what is truly taught in the classroom. It would be more beneficial for those who create the test have current educators involved in the test making.  It is more common for states to have a standardized test that is developed by companies. This can be a problem because the test may reflect extremely higher expectations that are not yet developed in the schools. This ...

Complelling issue: Testing, History and Perspective

Testing Testing! One Two! The History of Testing Standardized testing has had a history, and from the beginning it has had its problems. “For example, Smith and Rottenberg (1991) report that mandated testing at the elementary school level resulted in (a) reduced time for instruction, (b) the neglect of non-tested curriculum content, and (c) increased use of test-like preparation materials” (Lomax, 1995). Preparing for a test takes time. It would be beneficial to receive as much time to be prepared for the test. Unfortunately, within 180 days, about 10 days are just for days. The amount of days are decreased when breaks are included. With many factors included, it seems like all we have time for is to take the test. This issue still exists with testing today.  Neglecting non-subject content and the increase in preparation materials of the test still create an issue as well. We focus on the main subject and neglect subjects that are just as important    It is gr...

Compelling Issue: Testing, Rationale and Impact

TEST! TEST! TEST! Compelling Educational Issue & Rationale   The issue is small, but it makes a huge impact. Testing.  Is it necessary or not? The education system consists of multiple standardized tests. These students will take these tests while in school, and sometimes outside of school. There are tests to take for the state, and then there are test to get into a college or university.  ALL of these tests are to ensure that the student has achieved college readiness. But what does college readiness mean truly mean? Lopez (2013) stated that, “College readiness is not the belief that every student will go to college. College readiness is the idea that every student deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares him or her for college if he or she chooses to attend”.  In the article Major Challenges Facing Public Schools in the United States , “National Center for Education Statistics research says that roughly 19 percent of public schoo...

Spotlight Issue: Teacher Retention Blog Post #2

              " M ost teachers say that they are invested in their students and do the best they can for their students even in challenging circumstances"- Teacher Retention Project Image: Why Are Millennial Teachers Leaving? (n.d.). Retrieved from               The teacher retention issue has been on the cover of education for years. Unfortunately, it is growing to be more than just the cover. Teacher retention is the issue of teachers leaving the profession, and the struggle of hiring new teachers to make up for those that the schools lost. This issue is a compelling issue because it is an issue that will take years to make better. In the article, Teacher Retention: A Simple Fix , discusses the challenges and possible solutions to teacher retention. One challenge that the article discussed is the fact that teachers are like a revolving ...