Your small support could accomplish a big dream.
In the world of education, there are always going to be changes within the system. These changes can be challenging to face alone, but with a support system there is nothing to hard. The ones that will be impacted the most from the changes in eduction are the learners.These changes are what we are tryingto create within the education system. The learners are the ones that need to develop a support system during these changes. This is because they will need someone to hold them accountable, and feed them the determiniation that they need to get through the challenges.
In terms of creating change, one point is clear: the foundation of a culture of shared beliefs has to be strong. This means that everyone should havea strong belief on the challenge, andit should be the same belief. If this foundation is not strong, the challenge will not be accomplished without complications. It is just like a relationship. If the foundation is not strong, the relationship will not last long.
Lopez (2013) discussed a few beliefs that are true about learners. Some are challenging to believe,and some can be easily embraced. The first belief that Lopez (2013) describes is that every student will be proficient or advanced in reading, writing, and math. This belief can easily be embraced. English language arts and mathematics are the main subjects that are critical to any person's life. It is also the subjects that are focused one during a standardized test. Every learner has or will prove this belief to be true when living their everyday life. This was achieved while in school.
One belief that will be hard to employ is the belief that student achievement is the number one topic of conversation (Lopez, 2013). This is more difficult because lately it has seemed that education has not has its timein the spotlight. The goalis to have the students achieve, but they can not achieve if the resources are not available to educators. The belief shifted from student achievement to resources, from resources to teacher's salry, and so on. We need to have our mindset reevaluated to understand what is themain beliefthat we are working towards.
The learners are effected a great deal by change, but the educators are equally effected in my opinion. When standard requirements change and teachers are asked to teach to the new standards, the entire lesson plan is now different. The teachers need to develop support systems as well. When choosing a support system it is important that everyone has the same beliefs and same agenda.